
Whether you’re a grandma, a stay at home mom, a student or anyone other than a firefighter candidate you can get involved.

By the way, did you know you can volunteer even if you aren’t a firefighter? We need help with administrative tasks, helping with events and fundraising and all kinds of other jobs but mostly we need your help to get the word out.

  • Tell your friends, colleagues, even grandkids about the need for volunteers and have them go to for details on how to become a volunteer.
  • Ask your employer to sponsor a volunteer firefighter recruitment event.
  • Ask your employer to talk about the recruitment effort in your company emails.
  • Ask your employer if they have any benefit programs that would make it easy for you to be a volunteer firefighter.
  • Ask your church to include the recruitment campaign in the church bulletin and to make an announcement at church services.
  • Coordinate a recruiting event to be held at your church, or your volunteer organization like the Kiwanis, Lions or Rotary Club.
  • Have volunteer firefighters come and talk to your boy or girl scout troop.
  • Invite the fire department to man a table or display at your county or state fair, or other special events.
  • Ask your kids’ teacher about having volunteer firefighters come into the classroom to talk to students.
  • Write a letter to the editor of your local paper.
  • Text firefighter to 88799 to stay informed!
  • Post about the recruitment campaign on social media. Copy and paste this message: Did you know that North Carolina is desperate for volunteer firefighters? Have you ever considered being a volunteer firefighter? Someone loses their life to fire every 1.8 days in North Carolina, you can make a difference! Visit to find out ways you can get involved. Whether you are 8 or 80 years old we can all help the cause!