Teachers, you play an important role in shaping young minds and influencing their choices about who they intend to become. The leaders of tomorrow, including firefighters are born in your classrooms.
Here are ways you can get involved:
- It starts with you! Have you every considered being a volunteer firefighter? What an impressive addition to your resume and your classroom personal gravitas!
- Educate your class, parents and other teachers about these facts about volunteer firefighting in North Carolina.
- Champion a poster contest and hang them in the hallways or in the cafeteria for other students to vote on. The winner gets to ride on the engine during the next parade.
- Speak to the Fire Department about talking to your class about being a volunteer.
- Assign a paper to your students to write on the need for volunteers, the history of volunteerism (reference the birthplace of volunteerism going back to our Founding Fathers).
- Conduct a class field-trip to meet your local volunteer fire personnel.
- Ask parents to get involved, maybe they might like to be a volunteer firefighter.
- Did you know that you could volunteer at a station by helping out around the station? Even if you may not be a suitable firefighter candidate you and your class can help out with lots of things.
- Copy and paste this and post it on social media: Did you know that North Carolina is desperate for volunteer firefighters? Have you ever considered being a volunteer firefighter? Someone loses their life to fire every 1.8 days in North Carolina, you can make a difference! Visit weneedfirefighters.org to find out ways you can get involved. Whether you are 8 or 80 years old we can all help the cause!